Trends In Higher Education in Latin America And The Caribbean

Trends In Higher Education in Latin America And The Caribbean


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Iesalc - Unesco - :This Volume Presents Various Themes In The Field of Higher Education Examined From a Regional Perspective. These Texts Will Serve As a Basis For Reflection an Discussion At The Regional Conference on Higher Education Cres 2008 (Cartagena de Indias Colombia 4-6 June). Trends In Higher Education In Latin America And The Caribbean The Trends In Higher Education In Latin America And The Caribbean Project Is Based on The Principle That Education In a Public Good And a Social And Universal Right And on The Convection That Education Has a Strategic Role to Play In The Sustainable Development of The Countries of The Region. The Project Brings Together The Efforts of The Academic And Non-Academic Communities of The Region In The Important Task of Identifying Desirable Feasible Scenarios As Well As Presenting The Principal Ideas And Forces That Can Aid In Defining State Policies For Consolidation Expansion And Increasing Quality an Pertinence of Higher Education In The Region. ISBN: 9789589854631