The Return Of The King. J. R. R. Tolkien

The Return Of The King. J. R. R. Tolkien


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Lord of The Rings 3 Return of The King Synopsis 'The Return of The King' is The Third Part of Jrr Tolkien's Epic Masterpiece 'The Lord of The Rings'. This Paperback Edition Has The Classic Black Cover Featuring Tolkien's Own Design And Includes The Definitive Edition of The Text. Impossible to Describe in a Few Words Jrr Tolkien's Great Work of Imaginative Fiction Has Been Labelled Both a Heroic Romance And a Classic Fantasy Fiction. by Turns Comic And Homely Epic And Diabolic The Narrative Moves Through Countless Changes of Scene And Character in An Imaginary World Which is Totally Convincing in It's Detail. Tolkien Created a Vast New Mythology in An Invented World Which Has Proved Timeless in It's Appeal. ISBN: 9780261102378