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Go-Getters Students Book 4 - VV.AA.

Go-Getters Students Book 4 - VV.AA.


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Información del producto

he "Go-Getters" have dreams and aspirations and are passionate about what they do. They realize the importance of friends and are motivated by everyday achievements. They are energetic and determined. and learn from their mistakes.Go-Getters is an inspirational new primary series based on a group of comic book friends. The objective is to enhance social-emotional competencies while developing abilities in all four skills. The Activity Book also provides practice for international exams.Go-Getters takes primary students through levels A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).The series offers• comic strips. songs. and games • repeated exposure to. and practice of. language patterns. sounds. and letters • creative group projects and cross-curricular material • a balance of informative and literary texts. ISBN: 9786074939491