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There is And Increasing Need For Students Who Are Approaching Graduation to be Able to Interact Effectively With Written And Oral Material That They Encounter in Their Fields of Study. Institutions Are Preparing Their Students to Respond to New Materials as More Information in English Becomes Available Wold-Wide Through Professional Journals; Newspapers; Televisión; And The Internet. Therefore; The Goal of The University is to Provide Students With Mechanisms That Allow Them to Interact And Respond Critically to English Texts And to Develop Their Communicative Competence so That They Can Search For Better Professional Opportunities in National And International Context. General Objetives 1. To Develop Oral And Written Ability to Communicate Effectively in Varied Context in Which The English Language is Used. 2 to Develop Each Student Acute.S Communicative Competence Through Solid Foundations in Each One of Its Components: Grammatical; Syntactic; Strategic; And Socio-Linguistic. 3. To Apply Learning Strategies That Foster Autonomy in The Process of Learning a Foreign Language. 4. To Apply Strategies That Facilitate Access to Current Information Available in English And That Related to The Professional Area Chosen by The Student.